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Mac OSX 10.8 & Windows 8

Operating system updates are a way of life, but are they good or necessary; desirable or to-be-avoided? The manufacturers would say they are good, necessary, and desirable, but that’s not always true. Let’s take a look at the two most recent releases and see where they land.

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Telecommuting Can Work!

Some members of our team have been telecommuting since the 1990s. I’m often asked how I know whether it’s working for us. The unspoken question is, “How do you know you’re getting a full day of work in exchange for a full day of pay?” That is an excellent question!

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What Do You Use?

Folks often ask me what I use for a computer, cell phone, tablet, headset, etc. Here are my answers– and why– so my perspective might help you make whatever hardware decisions you need to make.

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Those Mobile Devices We Love & Hate

The mobile devices we use– smartphones, tablets, and notebook computers– are an integral part of our everyday life. They make us more efficient and productive, for which we’re grateful, and some of their apps are even fun and entertaining! Unmanaged, however, they can take over our lives and make us want to escape them. So, then, how do we manage them so they retain their status as a blessing?

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Consumerization of IT

Computer use is going through a significant change… one that is challenging the status quo of most church and ministry networks. The IT world refers to it as the Consumerization of IT, and it is growing.

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2010’s Hot Technology

A few times each year Steve Hewitt, Christian Computing Magazine’s Editor in Chief and I have the privilege of speaking at conferences about what’s happening in technology. We talk about the trends and products we think are hot and those that are not hot. Here’s a recap of what I shared at a recent conference.

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The Inseparable Bond of Technology & Mission

In a recent conference about technology in church ministry, Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA) said, “Every time there is an advance in technology, The Kingdom advances.”  Technology has a huge impact on our mission– not the ‘what’ of our mission, but the ‘how’.

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TechnoTools for Ministry

Many people make one of two mistakes about church technology needs.  They either underestimate the need and look for the cheapest possible solution (which often costs more because they are the wrong solutions), or they overspend on technology and overcomplicate the system.  Let’s see if we can help find the right balance.

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Mobile Phones & Devices

There are many new phones available, and some are not just cool; they’re also powerful tools.  They might even be fun to use!  I was asked recently which phone I use and why, and thought answering those questions might add to the discussion of what phone is a ‘best fit’.

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The Little Tools I Love

Those of us who use technology a lot have a collection of little tools and utilities that we’ve come to rely on that help us get a lot done.  Those of our friends and colleagues who use technology very little are often amazed at what we can do!  Though many of these are simple, here are a few of my favorite tools that help me accomplish a lot and “Wow!” the masses.

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