We met David in 2000 where he had begun serving as the IT Director at Capital Christian Center, in Sacramento, CA. Capital had been an MBS client since the mid-1990s, so David got to know us as ‘the existing vendor’. He liked what he saw us delivering to his very large network, and let us know it!
Eighteen years later, David saw our posting for a part-time opening, and applied for the position. When we asked why, he said he wanted to serve more churches and ministries, all with the blessing of his supervisor.
We are glad to have him on our team.
Want to know more about David?
- Four words that describe me would be… Determined, Loyal, Caring, Compassionate
- I do my best thinking when I’ve… taken a drive by myself with the windows down and the music up
- I always smile when… I tell a “Dad Joke”
- My dream vacation would be… Alaskan Cruise
- One of my favorite books is… Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- You ought to see my collection of… rocks (don’t laugh)
- When I am cruising in my car I am… listening to classic rock with the windows down
- If you ask me, there could never be enough… Chocolate
- In my spare time you will find me… hanging out with my family
- One of my all-time favorite movies is… Star Wars
- The best thing about my job is… the people
- What I like about my work at MBS is… serving a broad spectrum of ministries and non-profits