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2013 IT Task List

New year, new beginnings, and new task lists! Are there some things that should be on your IT task list for early 2013? Here are some suggestions.

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Outlook Email Mail Merge

VR6 systems

Combining the power of Outlook and Mail Merge can help you communicate better! Windows and Mac Outlook versions are different, so let’s look at how to do mail merges in both!

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Mac OSX 10.8 & Windows 8

Operating system updates are a way of life, but are they good or necessary; desirable or to-be-avoided? The manufacturers would say they are good, necessary, and desirable, but that’s not always true. Let’s take a look at the two most recent releases and see where they land.

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Telecommuting Can Work!

Some members of our team have been telecommuting since the 1990s. I’m often asked how I know whether it’s working for us. The unspoken question is, “How do you know you’re getting a full day of work in exchange for a full day of pay?” That is an excellent question!

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What Do You Use?

Folks often ask me what I use for a computer, cell phone, tablet, headset, etc. Here are my answers– and why– so my perspective might help you make whatever hardware decisions you need to make.

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