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Technologically Taking Attendance in Churches

While at a meeting of church business administrators of very large churches recently the topic of taking attendance came up. This common topic challenges most in church management. In this particular meeting, however, someone shared a technological solution they’re using that is bringing good results!

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Surprising Email Facts

© 2014 by Nick B. Nicholaou, all rights reserved
President, Ministry Business Services, Inc.
Reprinted from Christian Computing Magazine 

Did you know that email, when sent from your email server to another, may be vulnerable and readable by the public? Or that the route between you and your recipient’s email server may include more than a dozen destinations in different countries?

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Reasonable & Essential BYOD Policies

BYOD– Bring Your Own Device– is an IT wave that is sweeping corporations. IT Directors are understandably uncomfortable about this. Adopting enforceable policies will make the difference, however, in BYOD’s success in any organization.

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Church WiFi Strategies

Many churches offer or want to offer WiFi throughout their campuses. It’s a good way to serve your congregation, empower your team, and even attract larger events to your campus. There are strategies worth considering– some technical and some with legal implications.

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