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Serpents & Doves

© 2015 by Nick B. Nicholaou, all rights reserved
President, Ministry Business Services, Inc.
Reprinted from MinistryTech Magazine

Jesus made an interesting statement in Matthew 10:16b, “…be as shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves” (NASB). I believe these words of His are good guidelines for Christians to apply in every aspect of doing business.

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Geek Speak!

Non-IT people are at the mercy of IT people who support them. Generally, folks don’t like to admit they don’t know what something means. But as IT people, we are over the top in our use of techno-terms and acronyms! And they can keep us from serving well!

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Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Most in IT recognize the importance of data backups, but there’s more to a good disaster recovery and business continuity strategy than having backups. What are those additional elements, and how do you set an appropriate budget to accomplish them?

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Many who serve in church IT are frustrated because they don’t feel the support of their church leadership. This is more common than one might believe, and there are reasons for it!

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OS Version Update: Windows, OSX, Android, & iOS

The Operating Systems (OS) on our computers and devices impact our computing experience and productivity. Whether it’s about Windows, OSX, Android, or iOS– the question I often get is, “What’s current and, even more important, what’s dependable?”

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