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Charting Your Ministry

While helping churches refine their general ledger chart of accounts, there are two issues that need to be wrestled through nearly every time: The level of detail in their chart; Cash or accrual accounting— which would be best for them?

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What’s Different about Business Continuity?

Many of us in IT focus on the quality of our system backup– or, at least we intend to.  System backups are essential, but are they enough?  What if the process of recovering from a disaster will be lengthy?  Like with Katrina?  Or 9/11? That’s when we’ll need more than a disaster recovery strategy.  We’ll need a business continuity strategy.

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Those of us who love watching 24 and other high-tech shows can’t help noticing the use of biometrics to enhance their computer system security.  Of course, it makes sense for those with top secret files to use such devices as fingerprint scanners, retina scanners, and voice print analyzers to protect them.  Surprisingly, that technology is very affordable, and has a use in ministries!

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Saving Money at the Computer Mall

How do you feel when a friend or colleague tells you they just bought the same product you did for considerably less?  If you’re like me, you probably feel kind of crummy, but then justify why you still got a better deal than your friend. How do you buy technology for less?  Are there ways to save?  Are there times when spending more is better?  Let’s talk about it.

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Off-Site Database Backup

One of the lessons we learned from recent disasters is how important it is to have a copy of your church database and accounting system backed up to an off-site location.

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Calendaring in the Church

Churches have three types of calendaring needs:  resource calendaring (rooms and equipment), publication calendaring (printed flyers), and personal / team calendaring.  Surprisingly, each of these needs is so different that they require separate programs!

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Computer Security

It’s not a matter of if a computer will crash, but when.  Thus it’s important to protect computer systems from problems that will arise.

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Pastoral Use of Email, Instant Messages, & Text Messages

A pastor’s time is one of his or her most valuable resources.  Because it is finite (even pastors only get twenty-four hours in their day), it is important to choose a communication strategy that helps balance the demands of email, instant messages, and text messages with the demands of personal time with God, family, staff, and message preparation.

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Wise Shopping

In a unique way, we in ministry are stewards of the resources of God’s kingdom.  This demands our best efforts at making every dollar count.  One way church leaders can spend ministry dollars with confidence— especially in the area of computers and technology— is by adopting a carefully formulated purchasing strategy.

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Office Furnishings & Layout

Some church offices are more often a collective progression of necessary solutions than a well-executed plan.  Additional work areas are often carved out of classrooms, basements, and closets as ministries grow, but an efficient office suite is rarely the result.  Churches that analyze and strategize their office needs can come up with some surprising solutions.

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