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CPA Audits Now Focusing on IT

Church and ministry computer systems and networks have grown in response to perceived needs over the years, and most have grown with very little intentionality or strategy.  The results are often higher than necessary complexity, cost, and risk.  CPAs are now being required to look at IT during audits for fiscal years ending 12/15/2007 and later.  Are you ready?

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Tithing Considerations for Business Owners

Calculating a tithe for employees is easy because they receive a paycheck.  Doing so for business owners is more difficult because there are so many organization models, income sources, and accounting system standards.  The result has been that business owners are left to themselves to identify their own methods for calculating a tithe.  I hope this attempt at identifying factors for business owners to consider is the beginning of a discussion that helps many to do what our Lord challenged us to in Malachi 3:10-12.

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Protecting Data– Is It Really Worth the Hassle?

Some church assets are difficult to assess. Personnel, congregational goodwill, and data are just a few examples of assets whose value is usually understood only once it’s gone. None of us would say our data has no value to the organization, but trying to figure out what it’s worth so we can adequately protect it is challenging. Data is one of the most valuable assets a church has. Protecting it isn’t difficult, but must be approached as deliberately as the fire and security protection we apply to our church buildings.

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‘Can I Get a Mac?’

There’s a lot of buzz these days about Macs, and many in ministry are asking for them. Historically this decision has been driven by the software / applications in use. PC-centric churches usually say, “No.” to Mac requests pretty quickly. But Macs can run PC software now, so the question is going to keep coming. We need an updated response, and this two-part article may help.

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Virtual Computers

This sounds futuristic:  virtual computers!  But they’re a reality, and have been growing in popularity since the 1990s!  In fact, many churches and ministries are already saving money and enjoying the benefits of this technology.  But what exactly is it?  And is it safe?  And what does it cost?  Let’s take a closer look.

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Managing Security vs Controlling Users

Computers and data networks are vulnerable, and wise IT Directors establish policies to protect them.  They are guided by their research and experience in protecting these systems that contain valuable and sensitive data.  But many go further than necessary, and without ever intending to, frustrate their staff.  So let’s talk about some ‘best practices’ ministry security strategies.

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Layers of Protection

We are all masters of risk management!  You may not have thought of yourself that way, but it’s true!  You began learning how to manage risk when your parents taught you that you shouldn’t touch something hot because it would burn you.  In elementary school you learned to avoid the school bully because any encounter with him or her could hurt.  So all through our lives we’ve learned how to manage risk.   And, as risk managers, we need various layers of protection from those things that could hurt our ministry’s computer systems.

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Managing Balance in Ministry

Many of us who work in ministry have lives that are out of balance!  Ministries often need more people but can’t afford them, we’re called to the greatest task on earth and want to give it our all, and more.  But at what price do we push ourselves further than we should?  Many are watching us– neighbors, friends, and family– and our relationships with them often suffer.  There are tools that can help!  Let’s look at a few.

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Serpents & Doves

Jesus made an interesting statement in Matthew 10:16b, “…be as shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves.”  (NASB)  I believe these words of His are good guidelines for Christians for every aspect of doing business.  We are to be shrewd, yet innocent. The word translated as shrewd sometimes means being prudent, sensible, and practically wise.   Jesus spoke this counsel to his disciples, and it may also have had the sense of acting with prudence with regard to their own safety.  Being innocent, on the other hand, means to be pure, unmixed, and unadulterated.   In other words, negotiate wisely; but always honor the heart of the Lord by loving those with whom you negotiate.  Be willing to ask in honesty, and to ask in such a way as to bring the other person closer to Jesus. What does all of this have to do with computers?  Let’s see.

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Fabric vs Steel

Our church just finished phase one of a four-phase site development.  I was foolish enough to say that I’d help manage the programming, design, and construction by providing owner’s representative oversight.  Phase one includes building four structures, of which only one will survive the entire four-phase buildout.  “So,” we said, “let’s go with fabric since these are only temporary buildings!”

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