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The Business Case for Software Charity Licensing

There are more than 985,000 charities in the U.S., with more than 13 million employees. Charities make up a large percentage of the U.S. economy. Some software companies, knowing only that, have a difficult time justifying charity licensing discounts. But there’s more to the story, and knowing it proves that offering charity licensing discounts is smart business.

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Wise Cloud Strategies

Church and ministry leaders are being tasked with making Cloud decisions, but need to know whether their decisions are good or bad, wise or unwise. This brief article will give you a framework for working through Cloud decisions.

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Media Files– What Do ‘The Studios’ Do?

The number of churches that use video is on the rise, and that presents some challenges to IT management! So I was wondering: what do the movie and television studios do? I got to interview someone who works in this area for one of the largest movie and television studios on the planet and was surprised at what I learned!

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Three Things…

Our team does a lot of network engineering, and we run into some common issues in Christian churches and ministries. We find ourselves saying, “Now that needs to be an article!” The problem is, they’re usually topics that won’t make a full article by themselves, so they never make it as an article idea. In this article I’m going to address three of those issues: Macs in Active Directory, Who Owns Your Domain?, and How’s Your Cable?

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Those Mobile Devices We Love & Hate

The mobile devices we use– smartphones, tablets, and notebook computers– are an integral part of our everyday life. They make us more efficient and productive, for which we’re grateful, and some of their apps are even fun and entertaining! Unmanaged, however, they can take over our lives and make us want to escape them. So, then, how do we manage them so they retain their status as a blessing?

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What Role Does IT Play in Your Ministry?

Most church and ministry leadership teams are unaware of how visions cast and implementations planned affect or are affected by their computer systems. Let’s look at how leadership can improve this process and achieve more successful results.

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Consumerization of IT

Computer use is going through a significant change… one that is challenging the status quo of most church and ministry networks. The IT world refers to it as the Consumerization of IT, and it is growing.

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Handling Online Activities with Care

Every year more organizations and people fall victim to cybercrime. Last year more than 300,000 reported cybercrimes to the FBI with losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Whether it’s simple theft, fraud, or identity theft, this is a significant area of opportunity for criminals. Let’s shed some light on how to protect your church office and those you know from cybercrime.

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Transitioning to VoIP – Our Experience

We decided to transition our organization to a VoIP phone system a couple of years ago. We’re glad we did— doing so saved us a lot of money and improved our work processes. We learned some things along the way that were not readily apparent, though. They may help you whether you’ve already implemented VoIP or are just considering doing so.

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