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Averting An IT Disaster

In light of recent events many stories and articles are circulating about the need for disaster preparedness.  Many of us are in areas prone to at least one form of natural disaster.  What are the facts?  How do we prepare?  Possibly the hardest question to answer-- what will it cost?
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Is VoIP In Your Future?

VoIP is a hot topic of conversation at nearly every ministry conference these days!  VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol,  is what many think of as free phone calls over the Internet.  Television cable companies have begun advertising it to compete with telephone service providers, and now telephone service providers are offering it too!  VoIP sounds promising, but is it as good as it sounds?  Let’s look together at VoIP: what it is, its upsides and its downsides so you can determine if it is for you.
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Email Can Be A Blessing!

Who would have thought a dozen years ago that most of our ministry communication would be electronic!  Yet most of us now spend a large part of our day reading, writing, and responding to email— both within our organization and beyond. Does it sometimes feel overwhelming?  It does for me!  Do you sometimes wonder whether there are etiquette and style guidelines you should be aware of?  There are!
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When Is It Time To Change Your System or Software?

Ministries change computer systems and software for a variety of reasons.  Some of these are good, and some are wasteful.  What are some of the “right” reasons to change?
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Changing Your System or Software? What Should You Expect?

When churches change computer systems or software, they’re often surprised at the enormity of the task.  The time and costs often run over budget, and the transition often leaves a trail of unmet expectations.  With a little understanding of the process and some preplanning, however, these unmet expectations can be minimized and even avoided.
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Who’s In Charge Of Your Website?

The advent of the website and the technology it involves has forced most organizations to react quickly to get something “up and running.”  As is true with most new technologies, best practice strategies follow their introduction based on lessons learned.  An issue we’re just beginning to put our finger on that can cost or save an organization tens— or even hundreds— of thousands is: Who is in charge of your website?
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