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Pastoral Use of Email, Instant Messages, & Text Messages

A pastor's time is one of his or her most valuable resources.  Because it is finite (even pastors only get twenty-four hours in their day), it is important to choose a communication strategy that helps balance the demands of email, instant messages, and text messages with the demands of personal time with God, family, staff, and message preparation.
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The Little Tools I Love

Those of us who use technology a lot have a collection of little tools and utilities that we've come to rely on that help us get a lot done.  Those of our friends and colleagues who use technology very little are often amazed at what we can do!  Though many of these are simple, here are a few of my favorite tools that help me accomplish a lot and "Wow!" the masses.
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Why Are My System Support Costs So High?

Our team has had the privilege of working on hundreds of ministry networks around the country. We are often appalled at the high support costs our clients paid with their prior engineering/support firm. There are usually three reasons ministries pay more than they should, let’s identify them to help you avoid unnecessary support fees.
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It’s A Roller Coaster!

You're in a building project, and the problem solving seems to be done.  But is it?  Get ready!  This process is a roller coaster ride like you’ve never been on before!
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Computer First Aid Kit?

Most organizations have an undocumented disaster recovery plan that has never been tested. As many ministries learned in last year’s hurricane season, waiting until the disaster hits is the worst time to test your system.
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Developing A True Ministry Team

Well coordinated ministry teams are rare!  Ministry staff members are most often best characterized as entrepreneurial competitors who try to be diplomatic and work with each other-- sort of.  Why is that?  How can we help our staff work together in a well-coordinated fashion?
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