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Managing Balance in Ministry

Many of us who work in ministry have lives that are out of balance!  Ministries often need more people but can't afford them, we're called to the greatest task on earth and want to give it our all, and more.  But at what price do we push ourselves further than we should?  Many are watching us-- neighbors, friends, and family-- and our relationships with them often suffer.  There are tools that can help!  Let's look at a few.
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Serpents & Doves

Jesus made an interesting statement in Matthew 10:16b, " as shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves."  (NASB)  I believe these words of His are good guidelines for Christians for every aspect of doing business.  We are to be shrewd, yet innocent. The word translated as shrewd sometimes means being prudent, sensible, and practically wise.   Jesus spoke this counsel to his disciples, and it may also have had the sense of acting with prudence with regard to their own safety.  Being innocent, on the other hand, means to be pure, unmixed, and unadulterated.   In other words, negotiate wisely; but always honor the heart of the Lord by loving those with whom you negotiate.  Be willing to ask in honesty, and to ask in such a way as to bring the other person closer to Jesus. What does all of this have to do with computers?  Let's see.
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Fabric vs Steel

Our church just finished phase one of a four-phase site development.  I was foolish enough to say that I’d help manage the programming, design, and construction by providing owner’s representative oversight.  Phase one includes building four structures, of which only one will survive the entire four-phase buildout.  “So,” we said, “let’s go with fabric since these are only temporary buildings!”
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What’s Different about Business Continuity?

Many of us in IT focus on the quality of our system backup-- or, at least we intend to.  System backups are essential, but are they enough?  What if the process of recovering from a disaster will be lengthy?  Like with Katrina?  Or 9/11? That's when we'll need more than a disaster recovery strategy.  We'll need a business continuity strategy.
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Charting Your Ministry

While helping churches refine their general ledger chart of accounts, there are two issues that need to be wrestled through nearly every time: The level of detail in their chart; Cash or accrual accounting— which would be best for them?
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Those of us who love watching 24 and other high-tech shows can't help noticing the use of biometrics to enhance their computer system security.  Of course, it makes sense for those with top secret files to use such devices as fingerprint scanners, retina scanners, and voice print analyzers to protect them.  Surprisingly, that technology is very affordable, and has a use in ministries!
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