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The Inseparable Bond of Technology & Mission

In a recent conference about technology in church ministry, Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA) said, "Every time there is an advance in technology, The Kingdom advances."  Technology has a huge impact on our mission-- not the 'what' of our mission, but the 'how'.
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It’s Spring Cleaning Time!

It's Spring, and to many of us that means "Spring Cleaning". Computer data is one of those areas that needs constant grooming, and the payoff is big! But to some just thinking of it feels like a chore. In this article I'll help you organize your data and delete unnecessary files easily.
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IT Proves King Solomon Was Right!

"Cloud computing" is the latest concept to capture Information Technology (IT)'s minds and imagination.  Many are embracing it even though it is still in development; others are looking at it cautiously and with concern.  Over the next few years we will all be basing our IT strategies on cloud computing.  But what is it, and what does it have to do with Israel's third king who lived nearly 3000 years ago?
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Should Your Church Be On Twitter?

Twitter is a text messaging technology that people use to keep up with each other.  Someone observed that it's useless, to which one of the founders replied, "So is ice cream!"  But many companies are focusing on it; should your church?  If so, how?  And what can you hope to accomplish?
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Cloud Computing

Sometimes a buzzword hits the Information Technology industry and really captures people's attention and imagination.  Cloud Computing is one of those buzzwords, so let's look at Cloud Computing-- what it is and whether it's ready for primetime.
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TechnoTools for Ministry

Many people make one of two mistakes about church technology needs.  They either underestimate the need and look for the cheapest possible solution (which often costs more because they are the wrong solutions), or they overspend on technology and overcomplicate the system.  Let's see if we can help find the right balance.
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