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What Role Does IT Play in Your Ministry?

Most church and ministry leadership teams are unaware of how visions cast and implementations planned affect or are affected by their computer systems. Let's look at how leadership can improve this process and achieve more successful results.
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Consumerization of IT

Computer use is going through a significant change… one that is challenging the status quo of most church and ministry networks. The IT world refers to it as the Consumerization of IT, and it is growing.
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Handling Online Activities with Care

Every year more organizations and people fall victim to cybercrime. Last year more than 300,000 reported cybercrimes to the FBI with losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Whether it's simple theft, fraud, or identity theft, this is a significant area of opportunity for criminals. Let's shed some light on how to protect your church office and those you know from cybercrime.
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Keyboard Shortcuts

The Windows and Mac OSX operating systems each have built-in shortcut keystrokes that can be great time-savers.
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Transitioning to VoIP – Our Experience

We decided to transition our organization to a VoIP phone system a couple of years ago. We’re glad we did— doing so saved us a lot of money and improved our work processes. We learned some things along the way that were not readily apparent, though. They may help you whether you’ve already implemented VoIP or are just considering doing so.
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Can ‘The Cloud’ Simplify IT?

Few phrases have caught the imagination of computer users and IT managers as has “The Cloud.” It will impact the way your ministry uses computers and, approached strategically, it can save your ministry money while also simplifying your IT operations.
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