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A Surprising Discussion on Email to Staff in their Off-Hours

Ministry staff is mobile, and most on the team feel called to their role. It makes sense, then, to make ministry email available to staff on their mobile devices so they can access it when not at work, right? Well, surprisingly, not always!
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Are Your Credit/Debit Card Readers Putting You At Risk?

Churches with debit/ credit card readers need to know what I recently learned. Not knowing can bring some heavy penalties.
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Keep It Personal!

True confession: My greatest IT challenge is not keeping up with technology! It's not budgeting the next upgrade! It is keeping my tone as warm and human as possible. And I think I may have a lot of company….
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All Data is Vulnerable

Sony. The US government. The news is often filled with ‘the latest’ cyberattack. It seems like all of our data is vulnerable. What should we do about it? What can we do about it?
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Protection from Ransomware

Malware has taken a new direction recently that, if you're not protected, could cost you all of your data and a bit of money. And it doesn't matter if you're on a Windows or Mac computer. How can you protect your and your organization's data?
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The Community of Church IT People

Most people who work at churches and ministries are in behind-the-scenes positions. There is a group of these modern day heroes of The Faith who focus on IT that began gathering as peers in 2006 to and encourage each other. They have formed the Church IT Network, and their impact is huge!
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