Hosting your own servers on-premise can be expensive and time consuming. Research indicates that cloud hosting is the best long term solution to hosting servers. MBS can host any server in our private cloud and unlike many provider, you have the entire server, not just part of it. We also provide full administrator access.
In addition, many Christian churches and ministries use databases that are not hosted by the software publisher/ manufacturer. Yet the churches and ministries don’t want to provide and manage servers and backups of those databases.
MBS hosts servers and databases for Christian churches and ministries, and does so very cost effectively. In addition to being responsible for the management of the servers and their software, MBS also sets up regular backup routines in case a ‘restore’ is ever needed.
We can also host any other server needs including domain controllers, building automation, and terminal servers. Our terminal servers can provide remote, cloud based access to just about anything.
Leave the power, cooling, infrastructure, backups, and security to us!

Here’s our backup strategy:
- We backup nightly.
- On or about the tenth of the month we delete all of the previous month’s backups except the last one for the month, which we move into a month-end folder.
- The month-end folder stores a maximum of eleven months not counting year-ends, which are kept in a separate folder.
To learn more about how we can help you and your ministry, email us!