MBS exclusively serves churches and ministries, and we would consider it an honor to get to partner with you in ministry. We view ourselves more as a ministry partner helping increase Kingdom impact through technology than your typical MSP or vender.
We see our role as painting the center of the IT target for your ministry based on your ministry’s needs. We are sensitive to ministry budgets, and we understand that we work for you. Our role is to support your ministry's decisions.
Our model is a bit different than most. Our goal is not to force you to spend more and more by hiding behind contracts, charging more for weekend and after hours support, or forcing you towards solutions that aren't good fits.
Our model is providing remote support, and then coming onsite when needed. Even with the occasional onsite trip, our model is still significantly cheaper than most. We can be your full IT shop, or we can resource up any existing onsite IT staff you may have. If you are used to having someone from a vender, come onsite to handle your needs, we don’t operate that way but if you have someone onsite we can direct, then we can accomplish the same thing for less.
In order to keep ourselves objective, MBS does not sell hardware or software. We want you to get what is objectively best for your ministry, not something we would be incentivized to push.
You can read our customer satisfaction pledge here. https://www.mbsinc.com/#pledge We don’t ask our clients to sign contracts, rather we work on a handshake. We want to earn your business and not obligate you to use us through any contracts or long-term agreements. Our goal is to empower your ministry effectiveness and if we fail to do that, we want you to feel free to find another provider that can.

Our History
In 1986 Nick & Grace Nicholaou said “Yes!” to God’s leading to serve His churches and ministries by founding MBS. In 2021 Nick retired and sold MBS to Jonathan Smith.
Click here to read more about the sale and leadership transition.

Our Method
Our team is consultative, hands on, and worldwide in scope and service. Our team of specialized ministry experts, with over 100 years combined experience, wants to help you and your ministry advance the Kingdom of God through your vision. Our work is ‘job specific’ since each ministry has its own unique approach and style.
We learn as much as possible from you about your vision and your perspective on how well it’s being fulfilled. We can be a catalyst as well as an ongoing resource to help you accomplish your ministry objectives. We are highly skilled in helping you conserve funds and fulfill your vision.
Our goal is to free you and your team from distractions that could impede your team’s focus on fulfilling their call and role. We have expertise in many strategic IT areas, including the following:
- Cloud Hosting in our private cloud datacenter
- Local Area Network (LAN) Engineering & Support
- Computing and Network Server Virtualization
- Windows & Mac Workstation, Notebook, & Mobile Device Strategies
- Church & Ministry Management Systems (ChMS) & Accounting System Selection Consulting
- Help Desk
- IT Audits
- Budgetable & Authoritative High-Priority Help
Our fees, based on what you want to accomplish, will save your ministry far more than the services cost. You can verify this by contacting any of those listed on our References page.
Please call (714) 840-5900 or email us with questions or to discuss how we can serve you and your ministry. We look forward to serving you and your ministry team.